What Heroku Should Do
My experience with using Heroku professionally.
My experience with using Heroku professionally.
A dive into what Graphql is, and how the python world is trying to get in on the action.
An essay on why real-time applications will be the only ones left standing in the long run.
A tutorial on how to set up Rethinkdb as a service that can be easily started and stopped using lunchy,a popular gem that wraps launchctl.
A post on why Python 3.5 might actually make Python 3 relevant now, talking about two really good PEPs.
A few common pitfalls new programmers fall into when using python.
A letter to the winners of StackOverflow Moderator Elections 2015
This is a story of how I eventually solved an interview question I failed to answer.
This is the second part of the "PyCharm: The Good Parts" series, and in this part, I dive into the editing features that PyCharm has to offer.
This is the first in a series of tutorials that explores all the good features pycharm has to offer. This post explores the best way to start out a project using PyCharm and goes onto explore both keyboard shortcuts and navigation.
Think of this as a post on all the good features that Pelican has to offer. It shows you the best way to start your blog, write your content and change your blog to however you see fit.
The first part in a series of posts on my journey to learn a new programming language called "Kotlin" from Jetbrains, the makers of PyCharm and other IntelliJ based IDEs like RubyMine.
A short video tutorial on how to generate dash doctests for third party python libraries.
Pony is a new ORM in the python world that is simply amazing. It uses python's native generator syntax for queries. It has some of the most easiest to use tools for making models I've ever seen. Its even more efficient than both Django and SQLAlchemy when it comes to query generation. Looking at all these features I decided to make a simple Todo app with flask-restful and pony.
How to use PyCharm's REST client.
A quick introduction to schemas in Postgresql.
Pyenv allows you to effortlessly manage different python versions on your machine. Only works on *nix systems.
This post covers bpython, and a new project that aims to combine both ipython and bpython, bipython.
Why and how I started with python. How python has changed while I've been in the community and the current challenges that the community continues to face.
I recently purchased a mac :). Here is a list of a few applications that I've installed for my developer workflow.
Solution to upgrading pycharm to 3.0.2
How to create a fabric command line argument. In this example, I create a blog entry creation function.